As a service provider, cleaning companies need to ensure that they are delivering a consistent, reliable and high quality service, in order to provide high customer satisfaction and continue grow their client base.
Having ISO Certification in place can be extremely beneficial for organisations and this internationally recognised hallmark of excellence is a great way to set yourself apart from the competition and demonstrate to both new and existing clients’ that your company is committed to quality and progress.
The process of successfully implementing the required standards in order to achieve ISO Certification can be complicated and time consuming if not properly managed. At JR Consultants our experts work with cleaning companies from the start to help provide guidance and structure on how to implement the correct framework, structures and procedures in order to achieve the standards.
About ISO Certification
International Standards (ISOs) are all around us in both business and everyday life and affect everyone either as a customer, client, employee or consumer. ISO Certification works by ensuring that the products and services provided by organisations adhere to the high standards required to protect the end users or customers.
By modifying, adjusting and conforming to the required measurable standards, organisations can successfully achieve ISO Certification which with it brings many benefits. These can include helping to boost the recognition and reputation of the business, increase the productivity and cost-effectiveness, reduce the risk of errors, waste, legal costs, staff illnesses, improve safety practices and resolve environmental issues.
Through the implementation of a Management System, cleaning companies are able to easily identify key areas such as – working practices, documentation, procedures, environmental impact and staff management, that can be strategically improved. This allows simple and effective changes to be made that can help to increase output and revenue as well as improve the overall quality of the business.
Benefits of ISO Certification
ISO Certification is focused around making companies more efficient and is a way to demonstrate and prove to clients that your business is compliant with the high international standards.
Efficiency and Productivity
With more robust and efficient systems in place businesses are able to easily identify existing or even potential problems that could occur and indicate a simple way to resolve them. More effective processes in place not only ensures a more efficient delivery of products and services to customers but provides clear, defined guidelines to make the modifications and improvements needed to successfully achieve compliance.
Having happy, satisfied customers is one of the most important aspects of any product or service based business and this is true across any industry. By implementing more efficient and streamlined processes, customers benefit from higher quality goods and an improved overall service while businesses reap the rewards of their hard work and dedication with stronger client relationships and increased retained business.
By ensuring your organisation has the correct ISO standards in place, your employees are able to better understand what it is that is expected of them, how they can achieve it and how it will benefit not just the company but themselves. With a team of happy, healthy, committed employees in place who feel secure within their jobs the positive impact will be seen within your business and your bottom line.
ISO Certification for Cleaning Companies
Each type of ISO certification maintains separate standards and criteria which are categorised numerically. The three main standards that we recommend for cleaning companies are: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
ISO 9001 – Quality
ISO 9001 helps cleaning companies to demonstrate to both existing and potential clients that they have a competent team in place that deliver high quality results. The simple processes involved when successfully implemented within a business can help to drive continual quality improvements, reduce costs, win new business and retain existing clients for continued growth.
ISO 14001 – Environment
With ISO 14001 certification in place, organisations are able to prove their commitment to the environment. This works by evaluating the environmental effect of all your processes and overall business as well as helping to reduce waste, comply with environmental regulations, save money and support continual improvements.
Our expert ISO consultants can help guide you through the relevant types of ISO for your business and explain the requirements that will be needed in order to achieve certification.
ISO 45001 – Health & Safety
Most cleaning companies carry out their work on premises that are not under their direct control. Having a robust health and safety management system in place is vital for cleaning companies to help protect all of their employees and contractors. ISO 45001 is an internationally recognised management system which ensures the appropriate processes are put in place to help manage potential risks, prevent accidents, meet legal requirements and reassure clients.
ISO Consultancy Services
At JR Consultants we help organisations to implement effective management systems that in return can make vast improvements to their business. These systems work not only to support the day to day operations but to provide the invaluable framework needed to improve processes and procedures to the required ISO standards.
If you would like more information on our professional ISO consultancy services for cleaning companies then please contact us today to speak to one of our helpful, friendly advisors.
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Providing Effective, Practical and Flexible Solutions to Business Certification in The UK
JR Consultants are a reputable and professional company committed to providing quality certification services. If you’re looking to achieve an ISO certification, contact the team now.