The Covid pandemic has changed the way that almost every business operates, functions and performs. Being unable to physically meet in person to discuss, assess and carry out internal audits and ISO consultations, we have adapted and restructured the delivery of our services in order to continue being able to support our clients as much as possible.
This new way of working means that we are able to implement and audit ISO Standards remotely, adapting to the ever-changing circumstances of the pandemic in order to deliver our vital services to businesses throughout the UK.
Remote ISO Auditing and Consultancy
In these uncertain times, there are many ways that businesses need to adapt and change in order to stay operational. For those who are seeking certification or already have ISO certification in place that they wish to maintain, we have adapted our services to ensure that we are still able to meet our client’s needs whilst maintaining the same consistent high standards.
We have been working hard over the past few months, forming a robust remote service in order to provide all of the benefits of our regular ISO audit services, in a way that is safe and adheres to social distancing and lockdown rules. Thanks to advances in technology, this means we are able to carry out most of our assessments, audits and consultation services remotely, assisting our clients in achieving new certification or retaining their existing certification standards. This works to ensure that your organisation remains steadfast, maintains its high standards and helps to protect both the business and its employees.
What Are The Benefits of Remote Auditing?
Not only does working remotely allow us to continue to deliver the vital consultancy and auditing that our clients need, but there are a number of ways in which they can be beneficial for companies.
- They are applicable to organisations in most sectors.
- Ensures ongoing compliance.
- Helps to preserve the certification cycle for standards such as ISO 45001 and ISO 14001
- They tend to take up less of your time than meeting in person.
- They are structured similarly to the audits usually delivered on site.
- It is logistically much simpler with no need to arrange conference rooms, venues, sustenance and no disruption to the regular workflow of employees.
- It can be used for both new certification and maintaining accreditation.
What If Our ISO Certification Is Due For Renewal?
Although certification bodies have been prevented from attending some premises since the pandemic began, where possible and with the use of remote auditing they have been working to keep things moving and ensure that certification remains in place for organisations who need it.
UKAS released a statement declaring that in cases where Certification Bodies are unable to undertake an audit due to Covid-19, social distancing and lockdowns measures, an external audit must be completed either 3 months from when the restrictions are lifted or 12 months from the audit due date, whichever comes first. This means that if you fail to get your business audited within the given timescale then your certification will be withdrawn until a new audit is conducted at a later date.
For new ISO registrations, these can still take place with stage 1 and stage 2 audits being undertaken in the same way, by utilising video calling, photos and document sharing platforms. This enables our ISO auditors to assist in the implementation and reviewing of systems whilst still being on hand to help as and when is required.
If We Need An Audit, Should We Wait?
There is no telling how things will change and evolve over the coming weeks, months or year. It is expected however that as things begin to return to normal and lockdown and social distancing measures ease that there will be a demand on the certification bodies to get through the backlog of both new applications and renewals.
It is important not to let standards slip at such a critical time, which is why our remote ISO consultation and internal audit services play such a vital role. We help organisations by providing structured, practical guidance and advice as well as both visual and verbal communication on everything from crisis management, health and safety, risk management and compliance.
Working Remotely For Your Business
At JR Consultants we are working hard to continue to provide our clients with the same great service they have come to expect. Although we may not be there physically in person, our consultants are doing everything they can to ensure that you receive all of the support you need whilst tackling the various aspects needed to help you improve your business.
If you would like to find out more about our remote ISO audit services, then please do not hesitate to contact us and one of our friendly, knowledgeable team will be happy to help.
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